When it came to the product launch of Bin Buddy, three important elements stood out to us. Firstly the product needed to be innovative in its design which we believe has been achieved through its wheelie bin design being combined with the two hinge cap, in place of the traditional two piece twist cap.
The two hinge cap design also helped us to achieve the second design element which was innovative cost reduction. The creative design of Bin Buddy led to a reduction in tool and part costs when compared to a traditional two piece cap.
The final element to launching Bin Buddy was speed to market. By bringing the product to market within 28 weeks Coda Plastics were able to help the client achieve their launch date and reach the seasonal market that the product was designed for.
We believe that none of these key elements of the successful launch of Bin Buddy would have been achievable without the attention to detail and careful planning that our product designers put into each phase of the packaging development process.
If you require help bringing your plastic packaging design concept to product launch, contact our team today on +44 (0)1692 501020 or you can email us at
sales@coda-plastics.co.uk. You can also visit our website, where there is more information about all our
plastic packaging services.
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Stage 1:
Packaging design brief
Stage 2:
Packaging concept
Stage 3:
Innovative packaging design
Stage 4:
3D prototyping as part of packaging development
Stage 5:
Developing a custom plastic container
Stage 6:
Rapid tooling models for packaging testing
Stage 7:
Launching full packaging manufacture phase
Stage 8: Bringing new plastic packaging to product launch
Stage 9:
Winners of Packaging Design Awards for the Bin Buddy