Developing a custom plastic container

When designing a custom plastic container it is imperative that all the components fit together, therefore Coda Plastics use the latest design technology to set up and demonstrate how the individual parts of the product interact with one another. Too often a great looking product is compromised by poor functionality, but Coda Plastics years of experience and expertise mean you will never receive a design that is not 100% ready for manufacture. In the case of Bin Buddy, the development of the container was closely linked to the development of the cap. The most important functionality issue was the fit between the cap and the container, as the cap fit was designed so it could not be easily removed. At this point various materials were considered and tested for compatibility. Visit the plastic product design section of our website to find out how we can help you develop your custom plastic container, or alternatively you can contact us on +44 (0)1692 501020 or Click here to return to the blog summary Stage 1: Packaging design brief Stage 2: Packaging concept Stage 3: Innovative packaging design Stage 4: 3D prototyping as part of packaging development Stage 5: Developing a custom plastic container Stage 6: Rapid tooling models for packaging testing Stage 7: Launching full packaging manufacture phase Stage 8: Bringing new plastic packaging to launch Stage 9: Winners of Packaging Design Awards for the Bin Buddy Customer container development
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